Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Legions of Oz'ian Scarecrows...

Ah... joy. I really had hoped I wouldn't have quite this much fodder so early on. Oh well. :P

Today's theme was... oz'ian scarecrows. The plethora of people simply missing... brains. Or Marbles... or maybe simply just the *spark* of brain power needed to get through the day.

"So you were able to log into the computer?"
But, as Mr. FOY (Fountain of Youth) had already explained to me that he had opened the browser, I am perplexed. Now, I will state a disclaimer here, with any OTHER patron - I'd have gotten up and walked across the building to the computer lab. Mr. FOY, however, has proven time and time (and time and time and time) again, that you can explain everything in simplistic idiot English, and he still does not comprehend, understand, or ever remember what you taught him, the very next day. Regardless, I could ask the same question
"So you -were- able to log onto the computer?"
"Yes. I typed in myisp.com and it didn't go anywhere"....
"Well, on our computers, you need to type in the entire address *writes down on scratch paper* http://www.myisp.com/ into the address bar at the top of the browser. " (And yes, sadly, stupid public internet browser, you do have to type the whole thing in. Dam you IE for making life hard for those of us who do not use your buggy product and never learned the proper way to type in an full address in the address bar.) I get a blank stare.
"But I've never had to do that before"....
At which time my co-worker chimed in with "There's always a first time..." Which, with Mr. FOY, it will beonce again tomorrow when it is all once again, totally forgotten.

So then a co-worker, a page at our library came up and asked for map directions to a business in the next town over. Let me first say, I <3 all my co-workers. But really, the fact that this particular co-worker has asked for this very same thing, THREE times now (granted, over a span of 8 months) .... I wonder why it's so hard to .... not lose the directions for next time. Maybe it's just a by-product of the modern day and age where if it's not useful right now, it should be tossed and forgotten. Gah.

And then, another patron...
Ask Question.
Ask Same Question.
Rephrase Question again.
Dumb down question to most simplistic idiot form.
ARGH. Bloody Hell people - this isn't class. I'm not your teacher expecting you to answer something because I thought you were chatting in the back of the classroom with your friend. I'm trying to help. I'm at a loss when I've rephrased so many times and dumbed it down so much even I can't figure out what I'm trying to ask anymore. Which perpetuates the "Let me see it, take your laptop, magically fix it, and you never learn a dam thing for next time" mentality. *sigh*

Why do we need school libraries? So I can spend my time being a reference librarian, not a help idiots skate through life without ever learning anything librarian.

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