Thursday, August 14, 2008

Never a Dull Day...

Today the plumbing blew. I think. I'm not actually sure what happened. Earlier in the day I was getting a headache, and had heard about a sewage spill in one of the shops that leases part of the building, and knew the loud grindy (yes, I know that too is not a word) noises were from whatever work people were trying to fix it. No biggie.

And then I left the children's librarian's office after nearly three hours of fiendish plotting for the next few months to have my nose assaulted. Apparently, we were now leaking sewage. It took about a half hour for the entire downstairs to be offensive. We cleared out the floor. And then we noticed that there were wet spots in the stacks. And under the library assistant's desk...

And here I thought I'd have a nice quiet day to get some work done.

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