Friday, August 8, 2008

The Snark Returns!

So, I'm reporting this a bit late, as it happened when I went down to Comicon, which if you look at the time-stamp, was a couple of weeks ago. But regardless. I was flying down to San Diego and meeting my sister there. I packed two of the water bottles I like from the company I like, and went off to the airport. I got to the security gate, and they stopped my bag. Hmm. They took out my water bottles and told me I couldn't take them with me. I, of course, blinked. EH? "You can take them back out that way and drink them right now if you'd like," the guard told me. As I had a plane to catch, and didn't want to drink that much water right before getting on, I told him I'd pass.

To be honest, when I told my sister all this, she rolled her eyes and asked when the hell the last time I flew was. Well, the last time I flew, they said "take a sip," wait 30 seconds and see if you drop dead. IF not, you and your water bottle are free to go through.

I was caught off guard, and I was thirsty. Peeved, mostly because the waste of the water bottles I had purchased just for this trip being unceremoniously dumped into the trash bin behind him, I asked. "Well, why is that?" I tried to be nice. But I was really seething pissed. I knew he was just the messenger, and after he gave me some sort of explanation, I let it go. I took a deep breath, put my shoes back on, picked up my bag and walked around the corner.

To see - water bottles for sale. Which only riled me up further. As I walked to the far end of the airport to my gate, seeing all sorts of different places in the airport selling water. There is something seriously wrong with this. I of course, refused on principle to buy any, despite my thirst. My thoughts on the matter are two-fold.

1. Someone should sue them for having a monopoly (The San Diego airport had the same "brand".) Or whatever the right term equivalent would be.

2. I think it would be just funny, if someone snuck into their processing plant and refilled the water bottles with vinegar.

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