Monday, July 7, 2008

A Brief Snark Break

Even I am totally disarmed by utterly cute and adorable things.

For Instance:

I accidentally stumbled across this anime, "Chi's Sweet Home" on crunchyroll while watching some episodes of Vampire Knight and Saiunkoku Monogatori. I dare you to watch it (episodes are about three minutes each), and tell me it's not adorable. In my view of the world, it just might be the most adorable anime ever. It ranks right up there with Yotsuba& (which, as far as I know, is only a manga as of yet). The only thing that pains me is the thought that if it ever gets licensed here in the US and they try to make an English dub, they would ruin it. But regardless. It is all my restraint not to fly to Japan and get the manga, even though I don't speak Japanese, just so I can thoroughly drown myself in it's cuteness.

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